Thursday 3 July 2014

High Time to Take Back Our Power!

Even though I as one person by myself, cannot change the world, I do what is in my power and capability to inform my readers about the true state of affairs.  Those who agree, can in turn do their little part by clicking on the recommend buttons below each post. The more people we can inform, the more will wake up. Together we can take back our power, our freedom, our world. 

It isn't only in Namibia that people are fed up with ALL government corruption, cronyism, corporatism and police violence. All over the world people start to protest, start looking for ways to bring about change. Below you can hear an Australian on this matter. 

We must do it, not just for ourselves, but for our kids and their kids. They have a right to freedom from slavery. At this stage we are all held as slaves. And this slavery is increased by every single new law that is passed. 


  1. Hanlo, you sound like one of my fore fathers, speaking the the citizens here well over 200 years ago. But change comes slow, and patience it needed along the way. Please keep that in mind. Take care.

  2. Well Bill, our forefathers new how to fight for their freedom. We have much to learn from them. Patience is one thing we cannot afford at this late stage.
