Wednesday 1 October 2014

Is this how Namibia uses Donors money?

While house prices in Namibia have become unaffordable for the general public, especially young people and hundreds live in shacks around towns, our government spends millions on mansions and cars for officials.

Namibia has second highest housing price increase

Pohamba mansion worth 100 low-cost houses

When we are confronted with headlines like these, we start to ask questions.
Where does the money for mansions come from?
Where does the money for fat retirement packages for outgoing presidents come from?

Namibia has a population of just over 2 million of which nearly 50% are children under the age of 18.
That leaves about 1,2 mil adults of which another low estimate of 30% is unemployed. So, if we have 800 thousand tax payers left, which is a high estimate, where does our government get the money to build official mansions for acting and retiring presidents?  Does it come from donor countries?
And how can the country afford this extravagant lifestyle of 3 presidents at the same time, while thousands sit without a proper roof over their heads?

These are questions which need to be addressed and answered urgently, since the population is angered and restless.

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