Saturday 26 April 2014

Easy Steps to Freedom from Slavery

Most of us are slaving away daily to keep up with certain standards promoted by advertisements, promotions and news stories in Mainstream Media. Thus we loose our personal freedom and indeed become slaves to other peoples dictates. 

How many times have you bought something because it was advertised as being absolutely necessary for either your health, security or public image? So often we spend money on things we don't really need for a happy, carefree life. As prices increase from day to day, we then struggle to keep up with monthly payments for those things.

I could give many examples, but want to highlight one here, which may or may not be country specific: Security. Specifically in Southern Africa personal security has become a main issue, which is extensively used by snake salesmen of corporations to draw money from our pockets and literally make us live willingly in our private prisons, with iron bars in front of all windows and doors, electrified fences around our houses and infrared movement detectors or other electric monitoring systems in all rooms. We willingly imprison ourselves and pay dearly for constant surveillance.  

Ironically, homes with the most security have become the preferred targets of criminals, who cannot be deterred from entering by any means and now have total freedom of movement, whereas we have to slave away at our jobs to pay for it all.

When this reality dawned on me, I rebelled. Yes, one can live safely without all of that, even in Southern Africa. If you want to be free, you can be. It's easy. The choice is yours and yours alone. 

"The Cabal exists, because - you let it. Freedom is infringed- because we allow it."

Here  you can find some easy steps to implement immediately to free yourself from being a slave to those, who are busy sucking us dry by indoctrinating us with their clever lies on a daily basis.


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