Saturday 12 April 2014

How can we the people call our Government to order?

Freedom is no freedom as long as we allow a minority to rule every aspect of our lives. 

For many years we were ruled by South Africa. Namibians then fought for freedom from that oppression. In 1990 Namibia became independent. We were given a Constitution written up by the United Nations. The people of Namibia accepted that Constitution, though they had no say in it and most do not even know what it says, even after 24 years.

It now becomes evident we have only exchanged tyrants and tyrannies.  

Corruption is rife in ruling circles and that even after the 2nd Amendment. Self-enrichment is the order of the day in Government.
Incompetence is blatantly acknowledged.
Poverty has not been addressed yet.
Our Government has turned out a UN puppet.
The Madness of our Government is apparent in the 2014/15 budget.

How can we, the people of Namibia, call our Government to order?

Elections are supposed to be the foremost way to express our wishes.Yet we all know that elections are rigged right from voter registrations to vote counting to maintain the Status Quo. This was discussed in an article in another one of our local Newspapers recently.

Going to court with complaints is an option enshrined in Article25 (2) of our constitution. Seeing that our judges are appointed by our “employees”, they are biased toward their employers. We also know how many months it takes to process cases, let alone the costs involved. So that is not a viable option.

There WAS another little known option, paid for by we the people: . This option, however, was hijacked by not being updated since 2011 and therefore became useless. Written complaints concerning this are flatly ignored by our government.   

The news media thus is our last resort. The Namibian is being used more and more for this purpose in the hope it will be read and taken to heart by those in our service. Yet even the Namibian only publishes certain articles. Once an article gets too critical and outspoken, it is ignored like any complaint addressed to Government. Freedom of speech? In reality there is none.

We have effectively been robbed of our constitutional right to call our Government to order. Our Government has separated itself from the people to follow the agenda of those in whose service it stands, the UN.  We, the people of Namibia, have never really attained Freedom from our oppressors, they just changed faces.


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